
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 



Please read on for more information...

Term 1 Sports Registration 2022

Summer sports will begin soon. Please read all of the important information in the attached registration form.

Welcome to Balmacewen 2022

Nau mai, haere mai! Warmest greetings to you all!

Link to today's Final Assembly

Please find attached the link to today's final assembly and prize giving. The live stream will begin at 9am and the asse...

Correct uniform for assembly tomorrow.

A reminder that all students need to be in correct formal school uniform including their red jersey for tomorrow's assem...

Tabloid sports - PE gear

Tomorrow (Wednesday 8th December) we have a tabloid sports day at school all day. It is run by our house leaders. Studen...


Balmacewen has 7 teams entered at the Oval Junior Competition this term.

Sport changes due to COVID traffic lights

Update on requirements for sport due to the new traffic light system.

Message from the Principal

We're on the homeward stretch and focused on making the last week of the year busy and fun!

Community Notices

Please see attachments for holiday programmes and various other community notices and events