
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Full Steam Ahead!

School was buzzing today, and not just with whirring robots and blaring speakers. Today was Day 1 of our Term 2 Science,...

Room 9 are up and running into term 2!

Great to be back and with our new focus this term - Science and Discovery. There is a feeling of anticipation and excite...

Year 7 term two news

It has been a great start to Term 2 for the Year 7 team.

Netball season is about to begin

The netball season is fast approaching! We have 12 teams entered into the Intermediate competition that is held at the E...

Message from the Principal

We have enjoyed an excellent start to Term 2, helped by some warm autumnal weather!

Girls Rugby

Otago Community Rugby has a new initiative for Girls Rugby as a follow on from last year's successful trial.

Room 5

Room 5's Topic for Term 2


Scribble machines.

Term 2 is underway!!!

We have had a fantastic first week back. This term looks just as action packed as term 1 and students all seem keen and ...

Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton fans - this is for you

If your child enjoys Andy Griffiths books such as the 13 storey tree house, you could take them to meet the author and i...

Room 14's Berwick Camp

During the last week of term Room 14 embarked on their week long camp at Berwick Lodge. A bitter southerly blast was for...


The Dunedin City Council are planning a “minor” change to the intersection of Shetland St and Nairn St. Read on for more...