Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
It has been a fantastic finish to our term. In the last few weeks we have had visits to the Art Gallery, our first Year ...
On Wednesday night some of our Year 7 classes set up in our school hall to present their term three PBL projects to thei...
Our school athletics day is scheduled for Friday 25th September. The notice for this is attached.
The Year 7 classes have finished the term with the focus on fitness as part of our Hauora health unit. Throughout this w...
Summer sports will start again in term 4. If your child would like to participate in a summer sport please register them...
We invite your child to attend an Orientation Afternoon at Balmacewen on Wednesday 2nd December.
Bring your own device.
Wow! Last week an inflatable giant brain came to school as part of our Year 7 topic on body systems. This was a fantasti...
A number of Year 7 students were lucky enough to take part in an extension opportunity at the Art Gallery. Level 2 restr...
Please find attached a PDF of the stationery requirements for year 7 students for the 2021 school year.
The school calendar is available on our school website. You can also check the daily notices for our students from our w...
Please read on for important information regarding school accounts...