
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Summer reading programme...

Our librarian Gill has organised a summer reading programme for year 7 students. Please see the attached notice.

Community Notices:

Please open to find community notices attached.

Fish fish fish

Year 7 students have explored making clay fish. They also painted fish focusing on mixing new colours and using a variet...

School Accounts

A friendly reminder to pay your child's school account.

Bees Galore in Art

In art, more Year 8 classes have been busy using the observational drawing skills of a scientist crossed with the tonal ...

Well done to Flynn!

Early this term Flynn competed at the National Diving Championships. Here is his account of his trip.

Message from the Principal

Bring on summer!

Year 8 News

Term 4 promises to be the highlight of your child's time at Balmac!

Year 8 Food Technology

The Year 8's are halfway through their term in Foods.

What's hot in the kitchen with the Year 7's?

Group 3 have just about completed their time in the foods room.

Water polo

Last weekend a team of students from Balmacewen took part in the South Island water polo tournament held in Dunedin over...

Year 7 News

Another exciting Term is underway for our Year 7 students - their last as Year 7's before they move on as Year 8 next ye...