Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Our librarian Gill has organised a summer reading programme for year 7 students. Please see the attached notice.
Please open to find community notices attached.
Year 7 students have explored making clay fish. They also painted fish focusing on mixing new colours and using a variet...
A friendly reminder to pay your child's school account.
In art, more Year 8 classes have been busy using the observational drawing skills of a scientist crossed with the tonal ...
Early this term Flynn competed at the National Diving Championships. Here is his account of his trip.
Bring on summer!
Term 4 promises to be the highlight of your child's time at Balmac!
The Year 8's are halfway through their term in Foods.
Group 3 have just about completed their time in the foods room.
Last weekend a team of students from Balmacewen took part in the South Island water polo tournament held in Dunedin over...
Another exciting Term is underway for our Year 7 students - their last as Year 7's before they move on as Year 8 next ye...