
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Conceptual Cats

Year 7 students develop an idea for a cat, draw the face from observation and then imaginatively draw the clothing and a...

I am an artist

Year 7 students explored and learned a variety of new painting techniques. They developed ideas around symbols to tell t...

Teachers only day.

A reminder.... We have a teacher only day tomorrow Friday 18th June (Term 2.) Thank you

ART: All A.Round Me

We've been telling our stories about what inspires us. The students learned the skills of developing ideas, composition,...

Chicken Pox

We have recently been notified of a couple of cases of Chickenpox in our school. Chickenpox (varicella) is a very contag...

PBL - A guide for parents

You may have heard your child talking about their 'PBL' project. If you are wondering what PBL stands for and what PBL i...

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Our beginning of the year parent/teacher interviews will be held between Monday 15th and Thursday 18th March. Please rea...

Changes to sporting events due to COVID 19 level 2

Please read on for important changes to school sports due to the recent change to level 2.

School at Alert Level 2

Schools outside of Auckland are at Alert Level 2 again.....

Food Technology

It's been a great start to Food Technology 2021

What a great start we've had!

We have enjoyed an excellent first 4 weeks at Balmacewen.

Year 7 news

The Year 7 team have had a fantastic start to life at Balmacewen Intermediate - read on to find out about what we have b...