Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
We would love to support the Annual Food Bank appeal over the last week at school.
Many ākonga are looking forward to bringing home their completed outcomes to share their successes with their whānau.
Recently our year 7 team have been learning the traditional Samoan Sasa and then each class created their own adapted ve...
Team takes out 3rd title for 2024
The final group of year 8's mystery boxes were made this week
The last group of Year 7s have finished their time in the foods room.
Gratitude and appreciation.
This term we had 8 teams that played at the Oval Junior Competition on a Thursday after school.
The Year 8 Staff would like to thank all whanau and friends for your support during the 2023 school year. This has enabl...
It's a wrap! Our Term Four pARTicpate term came to an end with syndicate performances and sharing nights with family and...
Last week Room's 3, 25 and 26 hosted our parents and whanau to our pARTicipate Term Four PBL performances.
Over the last two weeks we have been focusing on character writing. To finish our unit, the students had to choose eithe...