
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Polyfest - 2017

Balmacewen Kapa Haka and Pasifika Group took to the stage on Wednesday night in the 24th Otago Polyfest Festival.


It's all go for year 7! Students are well into their projects and it has been a pleasure spending time in each area and ...

Albatross Colony - Education Officers visit.

On Wednesday 13th September we were lucky enough to have two education officers from the Albatross Colony come to presen...


Room 10 have been busy presenting speeches. 

Room 9 creating using CAMLAB technology

Having fun with learning.

Bookclub visits the Chinese Gardens 

Read some of the thoughts about visiting the Chinese Gardens 

Year 7's Sports Morning

All year 7 classes were lucky enough to have expert coaching last Friday at the Edgar Sports Centre.

Technology Rotations

What we’re doing in the fabrics room.

Tournament of Minds competition.

This year Balmacewen Intermediate entered the Tournament of Minds competition. 

Otago Primary Schools Netball Tournament

Yellow and Gold Netball teams represent Balmacewen Intermediate at Otago Primary Schools Netball Tournament. 

Room 3 Artists

Check out some of the artwork that Room 3 created. The theme was to do with our integrated theme topic; IMPACT. 

Room 3's Orokonui Eco sanctuary Trip

Check out the photos from Room 3's Orokonui Eco sanctuary Trip.