Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
REMINDER: Winter Sports Fees are due tomorrow - Friday 7 May 2021. Read on for details...
Read on for opportunities for water polo training...
Please read on for updates and information regarding our hockey teams and the upcoming hockey season.
Our year 8 students have been creating podcasts for their PBL this term...
Due to all students participating in a number of PE activities throughout the day tomorrow. Students are asked to come t...
Camlab is back with a busy and exciting start to 2021.
Please read on for some important dates and reminders for our last week of school.
Our first PBL unit of the year has come together. We will share and celebrate the Year 7 Turanagwaewae exhibition this w...
Our Lit Quiz team of Ruby Lund, Lachie Thompson, Sam Holborow and Ariana Geddis did exceptionally well this year, in a v...
Winter sports are beginning in term 2.
Please find attached links to PDF's and images for various community events, holiday programmes etc.
We're really enjoying getting to know your child. Building relationships is a key message we continue to share.