
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Room 2's Term 3 Trip

Last week we had a fantastic day out with Room 6, 5 and 11.

Year 8 Olympic Week 

This week the Year 8 usual programme was put on hold while we celebrated the Olympics with a sports themed week and alte...

By Shima Jack

First it was just a tiny speck. Barely there. Alone in the vast blackness that was space. Slowly, meandering, it venture...

The Year 7 trip! 

All Year 7 classes visited some amazing spaces last week to learn about the body.  Read Maia and Shima's account of the ...

Netball 2016 

The season has ended! Congratulations to every single player who represented Balmac so well throughout the last two term...

Year 7 August news

Another busy Month in Year 7  ! 

Term 3 in the Foods Room

Biscuits, burgers, pasta, pies and more!

Year Seven Super Softies

The onset of Term 3 in the Fabrics room, signals the start of the Softie extravaganza!

Term 3 in Fabrics

Year 8 students have been busy creating a variety of projects in the first three weeks of term 3.

Olympic Swimmer Visits Balmacewen

Olympic swimmer Jonathan Duncan came to talk to year 8 students as part of our Olympic Immersion Week.

High School Open Mornings

Our year 8 students have been visiting different High Schools around Dunedin. Check out what some of our year 8 girls go...

Otago Regional Aerobics Success

Well done to Jordan, Evaluna and Keira for getting Bronze medals in the Otago Regional Aerobics Competition.