Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Please find attached a PDF of the stationery requirements for year 7 students for the 2023 school year.
The school calendar is available on our school website. You can also check the daily notices for our students from our w...
Please read the attached Ministry guidelines regarding head lice. We have been made aware that there are some cases of h...
The hockey season for 2022 concluded on Friday night. A big thank you to all of our players, supporters, coaches and off...
The netball season for 2022 has come to a close with final games being played on Thursday.
The final group of the first rotation are just finishing their time in the foods room.
The Year 8 have designed and completed their pies. Some really creative ideas are out there...
It's nearly Spring and we're looking forward to warmer days ahead!
After a two year break, finally the O'Mathalon was back on this year and Balmacewen teams achieved great results.
A very warm welcome to our Year 8 Whanau and Friends.
ICAS maths will be held Monday the 29th of August in the maths extension room.
School fairs, colour runs, tennis, parenting presentations and more