
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Still the same

Some year 7 classes have been reading and analysing letters that were written over 100 years ago including during war ti...

Autumn writing

By Zara W

Artists tend to make art about what is happening around them... and presently we have a BIG happening... the students were challenged to draw their home.

Well done to the creative students who drew their homes. Here's a selection of those drawings. You can see the whole cha...


By Emma S

Anzac day remembrance

Read on to see some Anzac art, baking and writing from some of our students...

My happy place

by Madeline

Technology in Lockdown

The Art & Technology Teachers have set some Anzac challenges for the students during lockdown and have had great respons...

Year 7 Textiles - Looking back

Some of our wonderful Year 7 students have completed their first rotation in Textiles. They have all gained many new ski...

Year 8 Textiles - Looking back

Our Year 8 students had to get creative when designing small hand sewn key chains. They developed their own template, ch...

ANZAC Poppy Challenge

Some students have been getting creative at home using a variety of resources to design and make their own ANZAC poppy. ...

Back to School.... well sort of!

Kia ora everyone. Firstly, I hope you are all safe and well in your bubbles and managing the challenges of lockdown. We ...