
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


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Year 8 News

Term 1 has certainly flown by. We have been a hive of activity. Enjoy our zoo creatures pictures.

Southland Boys vs Balmacewen

Week 10 saw the interschool clash between Southland Boys High School and Balmacewen.

Balmacewen Cricket Teams off to Nationals!

Congratulations to both the boys and girls cricket teams for winning through to the National Finals!

Happy faces-Proud students

Applying what we have been learning in class and turning ideas into reality.

Rooms 22, 23 & 24's Mystery Box Challenge

4 Ingredients, 45 minutes and an unknown group makes for a fun last Food Tech lesson.

Room 7&8's Mystery Box Challenge

4 Ingredients, 45 minutes and an unknown group makes for a fun last Food Tech lesson.

Term 1 Futsal

This term’s futsal season has been a great success. All Balmacewen teams represented the school with enthusiasm and prid...

Rooms 3, 4 & 14's Mystery Box Challenge

4 Ingredients, 45 minutes and an unknown group makes for a fun last Food Tech lesson.

Term 1 Touch

With 10 teams entered in the Oval Junior Tournament Balmacewen was well represented with touch teams.

What's hot in the kitchen with the Year 8's?

Group A have finished their time in the foods room after cooking up a storm over the past 11 weeks.

What's hot in the kitchen with the Year 7's?

Group D have just finished with their time in the kitchen for their first rotation.