
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


What's hot in the Kitchen  with the Year 8s

We have been busy these past 2 weeks. We have made Macaroni Cheese, Spaghetti Bolognaise, and started making pastry with...

Powhiri 2016

Balmacewen Intermediate Powhiri 2016

Y7 Artists Explore Painting Techniques

We are off to an exciting start in Art.  The Year 7 students have been exploring Painting Techniques.

Room 4 Aquarium

A great day at the aquarium yesterday where things got a little mucky.

Start of Year Parent Interviews

It was great to see so many parents at our meet the teacher evening earlier this term. We would now like to make an oppo...

Room 7's trip to the Aquarium!

We had a wonderful time at the Otago  Aquarium learning all about the different food webs our ocean supports and dissect...

Aquarium Igniter!

Today Room 14 went to the Aquarium to kick start out Term One Survivor unit - looking at structures and adaptations to e...

Golf Session Sensational!

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning when Room 14 had their kick start Golf session as part of our P.E unit. 

Drama Fun with Kings High School Drama Students

Check out the videos and pictures of our session with Leon and Alex from Kings High School.

Aquarium Visit

Room 3 heads to the Portobello Aquarium. 


Year 8's are visiting the Portobello Aquarium as part of their Term 1 topic. 

Ukulele Lessons

Room 2 had their first ukulele lesson with Mrs Fitzgerald this afternoon. Some great singing was happening too!