
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 



The School Council is looking for help to create a Gaga Ball Pit for the school early next year.

Balmacewen Orchestra Workshop with Kaikorai Primary

Earlier this term the Balmacewen orchestra walked to Kaikorai Primary School for our final workshop with their school or...

Community News

Please see attachments below

Balmacewen Kapa Haka

Here is a wee reflection video of our journey this year!

Year 7 Fabrics - Tis the season

We have been feeling jolly in the fabrics room while learning to hand sew. Have a look at some super outcomes in the pho...

Christmas Food Bank Appeal

We would love to support the Annual Food Bank appeal over the last week at school.

Year 8 Fabrics

Many ākonga are looking forward to bringing home their completed outcomes to share their successes with their whānau.

Year 7 Samoan Sasa

Recently our year 7 team have been learning the traditional Samoan Sasa and then each class created their own adapted ve...

Tornadoes Touch Team

Team takes out 3rd title for 2024

Year 8 and their mystery boxes

The final group of year 8's mystery boxes were made this week

Y7s mixing it up in the kitchen

The last group of Year 7s have finished their time in the foods room.

Merry Christmas!

Gratitude and appreciation.