Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Our kapa haka group will be performing at his years 30th Otago Polyfest
The old PE tops and Jackets are no longer accepted as regulation uniform. Please do not purchase these second hand as th...
Tomorrow Friday 25th August the school council have organised a non-uniform day to support Daffodil day and the cancer f...
Digital technology has transformed how we learn.
The school calendar is available on our school website. You can also check the daily notices for our students from our w...
The Year 7 , technology reports from Hard Materials, Foods, Fabrics and Art can be found inside these booklets.
Congratulations to all of our students who have participated in the basketball competition this season
Please see below: notices and information from our community including musicals, santa parade, sports opportunities and ...
Lot's of great activity and plenty to celebrate in this newsletter!
Please see below updates from students from a variety of our Balmac netball teams
Well done to all of our students for taking part in our school cross country last Friday.