
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Kei te tino poho kererū mātou i te rōpū kapa haka.

Our Balmacewen Kapa Haka rōpū performed at this years 30th Polyfest last week during Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. All student...

Deputy Principal's Message

Term 3 has certainly been a busy one and we have many people, performances and achievements to celebrate.

Y7 Foods

The Year 7's are mixing things up this rotation with a focus on modifying and adapting the recipe.

Y8 Foods Mystery Box Challenge

The highlight of the term for many is the Mystery Box challenge.

Y7 Hard Materials Miniature Furniture

The brief was to construct a piece of furniture out of cardboard in miniature.

Y8 Hard Materials Construction

The brief was to create something in miniature out of cardboard.

Community news:

Please see attachments below for holiday programmes and information shared with us from our community.

Balmacewen Strategic Plan

We invite you to contribute to our Strategic Plan!

Native plant give away

There are native plants up for grabs completely FREE, these are for families that want to and can grow them.

Free seed kits

If you would like some free seed kits then fill out this form. Details below...

Update Polyfest Performance Time

Please note the amended time for our Polyfest performance. Thursday 14th September, 1:30 pm. Just a note to arrive early...

Touch Trials

On Monday 12th September from 3.15pm we are holding touch trials for competitive boys teams.