Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Term 2 has been a busy and productive term for the School Council.
Morena... Apologies for the late notice.. We were notified of 10 am start today due to icy conditions. We had notified o...
Mid term reports will be sent home to parents and caregivers on Friday 1st July. Following these we have parent/teacher ...
The student council has organised a 'Warm up Wednesday' for this Wednesday 22nd June. Milo and sausages will be availabl...
ICAS assessments are on the horizon.
Due to a large number of student absences, the class photos scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday 14th June) will no longer be...
Octacan 2022 will take place on Thursday 23rd June from 7:30am - 2pm.
Karanga mai, karanga mai, Nau mai, Haere mai! We would like to invite you and your whānau to our Whānau Hui.
As you will see in this newsletter, we have been very busy, with class programmes in full swing and winter sports underw...
Please read on for more information...
A very warm welcome to our Year 8 Whanau and friends.
Please find attached PDF's and notices from our community