
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Food Technology

It's been a great start to Food Technology 2021

What a great start we've had!

We have enjoyed an excellent first 4 weeks at Balmacewen.

Year 7 news

The Year 7 team have had a fantastic start to life at Balmacewen Intermediate - read on to find out about what we have b...

Exploring plastic with the year 7's

A new experience and developing many new skills.

Year 8 News

Kia Ora families and friends of our Year 8 Whanau. We extend a very warm welcome to all.

Fabrics - Year 8

Our Year 8 classes are designing and creating a 'Softie' with a chosen function.

Fabrics - Year 7

We have already learnt many new skills in the Fabrics room.

Community notices:

Please see below a variety of information from groups within our community...

HPV vaccination programme (yr 8 students)

Notices will come home this week regarding the HPV vaccination for year 8 students. Please read on for important informa...

HPV vaccination programme (yr 8 students)

Notices will come home this week regarding the HPV vaccination for year 8 students. Please read on for important informa...


The Vision Hearing Technicians from Population Health, Southern District Health will be visiting our school to screen al...