
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen. 


Final Assembly and Prize giving - Monday 12th December 6.00pm, Regent Theatre.

A warm welcome to Balmacewen whanau and friends to our Prize giving assembly.

Community notices:

Please see attached notices and images for community courses, holiday programmes, events etc.

Otago Primary/Intermediate Triathlon

On Thursday 10th November we had a team of 11 students compete down in the Otago Primary and Intermediate Schools Triath...

Year 8 Stationery

Please find below the stationery requirements for year 8 2023...

Year 8 News.

The Year 8 Staff would like to take this opportunity to thank the families and friends of our students for the support y...

Student Accounts

A reminder to please settle your school account before the end of the year!

Year 7 Foods

Foods in the second half of the year has focused on changing up the recipe to suit different stakeholders as well as our...

Year 8 Pies

The final pies of the year have been made with the Year 8's.

Message from the Principal

There is much to recognise and celebrate as we come to the end of the year!